Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thinkin Of You

"What are you thinking about?"

What do you think Im thinking about? Do you think Im thinking about You? because I am, like crazy, Like a warm bottle thinks about a baby. Who thinks about it's mom like Im thinking about you and words for this prompt..

Im Thinking about you like mathmeticians think of algorithems, like birds think about flying, and gothics think about crying,  Im thinking about you like its my job.. and Im putting in over time

Im thinking about you around the clock,  At 12, 3, 6, 9 A.m or P.m it doesn't matter because theres always time for you.. Unless Im busy thinking about you.

Im thinking about you, like a desperate boy trying to think of words to keep the conversation going with the hottest girl in class, like she's thinking of a way too end the conversation, but he won't let her end it because she's kind of leading him on even though she doesn't know it so it's just awkward for everyone around that whole situation..

Im simply thinking about you..

And If I sound obsessive it's because I am, about you.. And Im thinking about you thinking about me being obsessive over you.. So if you ask me, " What are you thinking about?" I wont say Im thinking about you..


  1. so like... your tryin to spit game in class...awkward haha

  2. Are you talking about my post? or in real world? My lines between Blog world and reality have been blurred..
